In the context of our participation in discussions about the use of interstitial spaces and the enlargement of the cantine facilities at the Regenbogenschule in Berlin-Neukölln, our collaborative team organised a workshop to include the children in the debate about spaces in the school. During the week-long event, the children fabricated an ensemble of tables and stools which were installed in different spas in the school. Around the theme of collective eating and play, we investigated how furniture could go together for different needs and scenarios, a banquet, a buffet, a round table, a picnic……
The workshop helped the children become confident both in fabricating their own means to inhabit space as well as discover how arrangement creates place and assists its appropriation. This workshop fed into our discussions about where and how to improve their eating facilities and create more social spaces in the school. The project was presented to the public as part of the cultural festival “48 Stunden Neukölln”.
Commissioner: Quartiersmanagement Rollbergviertel // Collaboration: Susanne Heiss, Christoph Heinemann, ifau; Children from the Regenbogenschule, Neukölln Berlin; Norbert Weiser (teacher at the Regenbogenschule) // Services: Conception, finance acquisition and execution of participative workshop. Design and prototyping.